Theories and models of globalization ethicizing



Ethicizing Globalization, Social Utilitarianism, Ethics of Communicative Discourse, Ethics Based on Human Nature, Ethics in Religious Traditions of Human Kind, Ethics of The Poor, Personalistic Ethics


Globalization as a phenomenon is under the magnifying glass of many philosophical discussions and theoretical deliberations. While most theorists deal with issues that are predominantly of economic or political character, this article has a different logic. The article presents six theories which in their own way explain the need for movement by ethicizing globalization. Globalization is a process that affects all and as such it has become inevitable, but it is up the people to determine its course and make it either functional or uncontrolled. The survival and development of any society is measured primarily by the quality of its moral and ethical foundation. Therefore, it is clear that global society can survive and be functional only if it finds a minimum consensus on ethical norms or, as said in theory, if it establishes its ethical system based on which it would be built and developed.



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Author Biography

Dritan Abazović, University of Montenegro, Faculty of Political Science Political Theory

Ph.D. Candidate, University of Montenegro, Memeber of Parliament in Montenegro


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How to Cite

Abazović, D. (2016). Theories and models of globalization ethicizing. Journal of Human Sciences, 13(2), 2454–2461. Retrieved from


