The impact of Cultural Intelligence (CQ) on Cross-Cultural Job Satisfaction (CCJS) and International Related Performance (IRP)



Cultural Intelligence, Job Satisfaction, Cross-Cultural Job Satisfaction, Performance, International Related Performance


Cultural Intelligence (CQ) referring to the adaptation to cross-cultural situation, interacting and working effectively in cross-cultural situations is the subject of this study. Globalization and international activities of companies have increased the cross-cultural interaction and commercial links, which in turn have resulted in the need for knowledge and competence about different culture. Within these dynamics, the success of the managers who are in charge of international activities depends on their CQ. The studies related to CQ reveal that it helps to cope with multi-cultural situations, to perform in culturally diverse work groups, to manage culture shock and facilitate effective cross-cultural adjustment, decision making and performance. This study particularly investigates the role of CQ on Cross-Cultural Job Satisfaction (CCJS) and International Related Performance (IRP). The study also looks at the link between CCJS and IRP. A research model along with the related hypotheses was developed and tested based on the data collected through survey method from textile companies in Turkey. The results reveal that CQ is positively related to CCJS. The partial support is also obtained from the data regarding the link between CQ and IRP. In addition, the research finds no relationship between CCJS and IRP. The findings are discussed in relation to theory and practice in the conclusion part of the study.


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Author Biographies

Fikret Sozbilir, Artvin Coruh University

Asst. Prof. Dr., Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Artvin Coruh University

Salih Yesil, Kahramanmaras Sutcu Imam University

Assoc. Prof. Dr., Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Kahramanmaras Sutcu Imam University


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How to Cite

Sozbilir, F., & Yesil, S. (2016). The impact of Cultural Intelligence (CQ) on Cross-Cultural Job Satisfaction (CCJS) and International Related Performance (IRP). Journal of Human Sciences, 13(1), 2277–2294. Retrieved from



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