A comparative look at the teacher training systems: Belgium - Flemish Community and Turkey


  • Gülçin Mutlu Necmettin Erbakan University


Comparative Education, Teacher Education, Comparative Teacher Education, Flemish Teacher Education System, Turkish Teacher Education System


This study aims to have a comparative look at the two countries, Belgium - Flemish Community and Turkey with regard to teacher training systems and qualitatively investigate the differences between these countries. The comparison themes for which these comparative analyses were based on were derived following a determination of the most prominent aspects of teacher education terminology. These themes include such education and teacher education related concepts as a) teacher education curriculum components, b) teacher employment, c) teacher career steps, d) in-service training, e) status of teachers and f) teacher evaluation. Comparative results were presented by means of the data gathered with regard to the above themes. The analyses indicated several differences between the teacher training systems of the two countries especially in relation to evaluation and accreditation of the teacher training programs, continuing professional development options, teacher evaluation methods and functioning of the teacher unions. Thus, in the light of the results of this study, several recommendations were put forth about the potential problem areas in our local context, that is, Turkey and what could be done to overcome those in the field of education as a candidate state of the European Union.



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Author Biography

Gülçin Mutlu, Necmettin Erbakan University

Gülçin MUTLU graduated summa cum laude in English Language Teaching from DokuzEylülUniversity and completed her MA in TEFL at BilkentUniversity (with a Fulbright support). She is pursuing her doctorate degree at Middle East Technical University. She works as a lecturer of English Language at Necmettin ErbakanUniversity in Konya, Turkey. Her academic and research interests include student motivation and persistence, learning environment, listening and speaking skills and foreign language curriculum and instruction.


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How to Cite

Mutlu, G. (2016). A comparative look at the teacher training systems: Belgium - Flemish Community and Turkey. Journal of Human Sciences, 13(2), 3320–3337. Retrieved from https://j-humansciences.com/ojs/index.php/IJHS/article/view/3809


