An alternative model of reflective teacher supervision


  • Süleyman Davut Göker Artvin Coruh University


Supervision, reflective supervision, teacher supervision, professional leadership


Focusing on the promotion of reflectivity during practice teaching amongst teachers, this study aims to explore the impact of a reflective teacher supervision model (RTSM) developed by Goker (2006a) on the development of instructional skills of teachers. Two groups of elementary and secondary school teachers from different fields (24 in total) registered for an MA course, American University, Cyprus were compared to their development of instructional skills. The research approach used for this study was both quantitive and qualitative, which included: (a) conducting a sample lesson based on the pinciples of reflective teaching, (b) expessing results both with statistical data obtained from the pre test and post test results of the Clarity Observation Instrument (Metcalf, 1989) and using interviews and surveys, and anecdotal data.  Findings have significant implications for how reflective supervision can be a means to develop instructional skills. Recommendations for teacher education programs and the student teachers are also made.



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Author Biography

Süleyman Davut Göker, Artvin Coruh University

Assist. Prof. Dr., Artvin Çoruh University, Education Faculty


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How to Cite

Göker, S. D. (2016). An alternative model of reflective teacher supervision. Journal of Human Sciences, 13(2), 3560–3570. Retrieved from



Educational Administration and Management