The influence of promotional activities on the economic decision making



Behavioral Economics, Rational Behavior, Economic Choices, Decision Making


Behavioral economics is one of the sub-disciplines discussed through the process of economic thought. It studies the economic decisions of the individuals under the influence of social, emotional and cognitive factors. According to the rational behavior theory in economics, it is discussed that, the individuals may show irrational behaviors in spite of the expectation of rational behaviors. Economics is a human focused social science. The studies held, illustrate that the human behaviors have to be evaluated with the psychological factors. 

The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of sales efforts of the drug firms on the economic decision making. The data gathered by the questionnaire show that the marketing strategies influence the decision making behavior of individuals. 


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Author Biographies

Aslı Öztopcu, Maltepe University

Ph.D., Maltepe University, Department of Banking and Insurance

Nuran Karaağaoğlu, Maltepe University

Lecturer, Master. Maltepe University, Department of Publıc Relations and Publicity


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How to Cite

Öztopcu, A., & Karaağaoğlu, N. (2016). The influence of promotional activities on the economic decision making. Journal of Human Sciences, 13(3), 4613–4626. Retrieved from


