A cross-cultural comparison of Turkish and Kyrgyz students’ belief in a just world


  • Sevinc Çırak Karadağ Ege University
  • Serap Akgün Mersin University


Just world beliefs, Turkish students, Kyrgyz students, gender, cross-cultural


The purpose of this study is to compare Turkish and Kyrgyz students on their just world beliefs. One hundred and four Turkish and one hundred twenty Kyrgyz undergraduates participated in the study. The data was collected using the 13-item Just World Beliefs Scales by Dalbert (1999). To examine the differences a 2 (country) x 2 (sex) multivariate factorial analysis of variance was carried out. The results revealed that there were significant gender and country differences between the Turkish and Kyrgyz students’ general just world beliefs and personal just world beliefs. Also, the results showed that male students had a stronger just world beliefs than the female students and the Kyrgyz students had higher scores in the just world beliefs in comparison to the Turkish students.



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Author Biographies

Sevinc Çırak Karadağ, Ege University

Assist. Prof., Ege University, Faculty of Education, Department of Primary Education

Serap Akgün, Mersin University

Assoc. Prof., Mersin University, Faculty of Science and literature, Department of Psychology


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How to Cite

Çırak Karadağ, S., & Akgün, S. (2016). A cross-cultural comparison of Turkish and Kyrgyz students’ belief in a just world. Journal of Human Sciences, 13(3), 4229–4236. Retrieved from https://j-humansciences.com/ojs/index.php/IJHS/article/view/3987


