Adaptation to Turkish of Nurse – Nurse Collaboration Scale


  • Serpil Çelik Durmuş Kırıkkale University
  • Aytolan Yıldırım Istanbul University


Collaboration, Nurse, Communication, Coordination, Validity and Reliability


Background: Nurse-nurse collaboration increases occupational satisfaction and the health care quality, decreases medical errors. 

Aim: This research was performed for the adaptation to Turkish of Nurse – Nurse Collaboration Scale to determine the collaboration level between nurses.

Methods: The research was planned methodologically (N=496) to test validity and reliability of “Nurse-nurse collaboration scale”. Original scale consists of 35 item and 5 sub-dimensions (problem solving, communication, process sharing, coordination and professionalism). The research was performed in one public, one university and four private hospitals. Content validity, construct validity and internal consistence were used to evaluate scale.

Results: Scale's content validity index was 0.98, Cronbach α reliability coefficient was 0.93, α values in sub-dimensions were respectively 0,75, 0,71, 0,80, 0,78 and 0,93. Turkish version of the scale was consisted of 26 items and 5 subscales.

Conclusion: It is reported that nurse-nurse collaboration scale is validated and reliable. Nurse-nurse collaboration directly affects the quality of nursing services and nursing occupation.

Collaboration is very important for nurses. If collaboration happens job satisfaction will be happen because of quality of care and patient safety increase.



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Author Biographies

Serpil Çelik Durmuş, Kırıkkale University

Assistant Professor (Dr. Çelik Durmuş) Kırıkkale University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Nursing Management Department, Kırıkkale

Aytolan Yıldırım, Istanbul University

Head of Department (Professor Yıldırım), Istanbul University, Florence Nightingale Nursing Faculty, Nursing Management Department, İstanbul


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How to Cite

Çelik Durmuş, S., & Yıldırım, A. (2016). Adaptation to Turkish of Nurse – Nurse Collaboration Scale. Journal of Human Sciences, 13(2), 3521–3528. Retrieved from



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