Investigating the effects of technical trainings applied 10-12 age male tennis players on their stroke performances


  • Gürhan Suna Süleyman Demirel University
  • Mahmut Alp Süleyman Demirel University
  • Erkan Çetinkaya Adnan Menderes University


Tennis, Training, Performance


The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of technical trainings applied 10-12 age tennis players on their stroke performances. 16 male tennis players joined to the study who are in Isparta and match in tournaments as individuals regularly. These were detected from players that mean of age was 10,62±,80 years, mean of height was 144,06±8,28 cm and mean of weight was 38,75±9,04 kg.  Trainings were applied to the players as technical 3 days a week and as condition 1 day a week. ITN test (International Tennis Number) were applied to test the stroke performances. Datas were compared by using “Paired t Test” at SPSS 18.0 statistic programme. Differences were found to be statistically significant at result of comparing stroke performances’ pre-posttests (p<0,05). This study shows the regular technical and conditional trainings’ positive effects on performance and provides recommendations to trainers and sport scientists about planning, programming a training and defining performance criteria.


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Author Biographies

Gürhan Suna, Süleyman Demirel University

Ph.D. Student, Sakarya University, Institute of Educational Sciences, Department of Physical Education and Sports

Mahmut Alp, Süleyman Demirel University

Ph.D. Student, Celal Bayar University, Institute of Health Sciences, Department of Coaching Training/Sport Sciences

Erkan Çetinkaya, Adnan Menderes University

Assist. Prof. Dr., Adnan Menderes University, Physical Education and Sports College


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How to Cite

Suna, G., Alp, M., & Çetinkaya, E. (2016). Investigating the effects of technical trainings applied 10-12 age male tennis players on their stroke performances. Journal of Human Sciences, 13(3), 4980–4985. Retrieved from



Physical Education and Sport Sciences