The development of critical reflection skills: An application of school and teacher themed movies
Primary education teacher candidates, critical reflection, school and teacher themed moviesAbstract
The present research aims to determine the effect of films including school and teacher whose learning processes are applied with “Critical Reflection Skills (CRS)” on the critical reflection skills of 4th primary education teachers. In accordance with this purpose, the research was carried out with 73 participants who were the 4th grade students in the Primary Education Teacher Training Department of Gazi Faculty of Education in Gazi University in 2012-2013 education year. The qualitative and quantitative research methods were applied together during the process. Data were collected with “The Critical Reflection Self-assessment Scale (CRSS)” - “Critical Team Application Focus Team Interview Form (CTAFTIF)” and “ Meta Team Observation Form”. During the data collection process, the participants watched the school and teacher containing films at first and then, “Critical Reflection Application (CRA)” adapted from “Critical Reflection Strategy with Teams” was applied. Content analysis was adopted in the analysis of the qualitative data gathered during the research process. In the analysis of the quantitative data, t-test and one-way variance analysis were used. The results of the conducted research demonstrated that teachers started to generate thinking of critical reflection with school and teacher containing films and the CRA process. It was noticed that statistically a significant difference occurred between the control and experimental groups in terms of critical reflection skills.
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