The treatment of severe self-injurious behavior through sensory stimulation: A case report


  • Timo Saloviita University of Jyvaskyla, Faculty of Education, Department of Teacher Education


Self-injurious behavior, intellectual disabilities, applied behavior analysis


Self-injurious behavior of an institutionalized man with profound intellectual disability was treated with a daily 15-min sensory stimulation program, which consisted of moving the arms and hands of the participant, swinging his body, and massage. The frequency of self-injurious behavior was measured in 10-min sessions. Using a reversal design, it was shown that sensory stimulation decreased the participant’s self-hitting behavior significantly, both in intensity and in frequency. Sensory stimulation is recommended for use in those cases in which functional analysis has shown that self-injury may be reinforced by its sensory consequences.


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Author Biography

Timo Saloviita, University of Jyvaskyla, Faculty of Education, Department of Teacher Education

PhD, Professor of special education

University of Jyvaskyla, Faculty of Education, Department of Teacher Education.


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How to Cite

Saloviita, T. (2016). The treatment of severe self-injurious behavior through sensory stimulation: A case report. Journal of Human Sciences, 13(3), 4126–4134. Retrieved from



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