Consumption culture and body in cinema context: Fight Club



Consumption culture, body, culture industry, cinema, Fight Club


Studies on consumption culture and body have been examined considerably in sociology in recent years. Analysis of culture industry through cinema can be viewed as an important practice in understanding sociological theories and concepts. This study examined the movie Fight Club through content analysis within the framework of consumption culture and body. The present study found that the movie contained the concepts of desire, ambivalence, chronic health problems, and transition from the world of objects to discourse dimension, desire of destroying, principle of bodily desire and lack of reciprocal relationship and showed that there was a significant relationship between the concepts in the movie and sociological theories. The study indicated that sociological analysis of the movie Fight Club could be evaluated as a crucial tool in the analysis of sociological problems.


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Author Biography

Özlem Aydoğmuş Ördem, Ege University

Ph.D., Republic of Turkey Ministry of Justice, National Probation Service


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How to Cite

Aydoğmuş Ördem, Özlem. (2016). Consumption culture and body in cinema context: Fight Club. Journal of Human Sciences, 13(3), 5530–5536. Retrieved from


