The perceptions of supervising teachers on the prospective-teacher training: A phenomenographic research


  • Sevda Koç Siirt University
  • Koray Akran MEB


Teacher, Prospective-Teacher, Prospective-Teacher Training, Supervising Teacher


The main purpose of this research is to identify the perceptions of supervising teachers on prospective- teacher training through phenomenographic method. Phenomenography is a method which determines how the people perceive the events and issues around them and how they explain them by conceptualizing. The working group of the research includes Subject and Classroom teachers working in the central provinces of Siirt and Batman chosen by random sampling. As data collection tool, questions that teachers' personal information take place and a semi-structured interview form including three open-ended questions trying to state the perceptions about  prospective- teacher training are prepared and in order to determine the validity of the questionnaire it was submitted to two experts. In accordance with the expert opinions, the interview form has been made ready to apply with necessary corrections. The first question in the interview form is “To me, the prospective- teacher training means…… ” the second one is “The positive sides of prospective- teacher training are……………………. Because……..”, and the third one is “The negative sides of the prospective-teacher training are ……….....Because……”.  A period of 20-25 minutes is given to specify the perceptions of teachers on the prospective- teacher training. Teachers’ answers to these questions / opinions have been adopted as the main source of research data. These concepts and statements have been transferred to the computer and as a result of eliminations made in the computer, the remaining concepts and statements are divided into certain categories. Proposals have been made in accordance with the categories obtained.


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Author Biographies

Sevda Koç, Siirt University

Asst. Prof. Dr.,  Siirt University, Faculty of Education,  Educational Science Department

Koray Akran, MEB



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How to Cite

Koç, S., & Akran, K. (2017). The perceptions of supervising teachers on the prospective-teacher training: A phenomenographic research. Journal of Human Sciences, 14(1), 976–986. Retrieved from



Curriculum Development and Teaching-Learning in Education