Total quality management relation with alienation from the point of employee: Example of electronic industry


  • Kemal Er


Toplam Kalite Yönetimi, Çalışanlar, Yabancılaşma, Kapitalizm, Fordizm, Post-fordizm, Esnek üretim, Elektronik sanayi, Quality Management, Employee/Worker, Estrangement/Alienation, Capitalism, Fordism, Post-fordism, Flexible production, industry


This article is aimed to discuss the effects to the workers, total quality management from flexible production type, applied widely, in sociological view. World socio-economical system is being formed around capitalist logic. This logic approaches indifferently to uncontrollable globalism, work life regarding the person with the effects of post-modernism, and environment. Total Quality Management proceeds on the basics of capitalist production system. It has also affected the employee working at the institutions to get estranged where total quality management is applied. When theoretically observed, the supporters of total quality management put forward that system will be the solution of unemployment and job satisfaction, etc.

Here, in order to analyze the claims, developments of post industry revolution, Fordist Production System, Post-Fordist Production System, Flexible Production System, Total Quality Management, Estrangement are theoretically being discussed from employee perspective by using a field study which had already been studied in my PhD dissertation.



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Author Biography

Kemal Er

2005 kasım döneminde A.Ü. Sosyoloji bölümünde, danışmanım sayın Doç.Dr.Hayriye Erbaş'ın gözetiminde "Toplam Kalite Yönetiminin Çalışanlar Açısından Sosyolojik Analizi: Elektronik Sanayii Örneği" isimli doktora tezimle mezun oldum. Kısa bir süre önce tezimi kitap olarak bastırmak için girişimde bulundum. Başka makaleler ve bir de kitap üzerinde çalışmaktayım.



How to Cite

Er, K. (2007). Total quality management relation with alienation from the point of employee: Example of electronic industry. Journal of Human Sciences, 4(1). Retrieved from


