Determination of mothers’ depression levels by the type of special educational services they get for their autistic children


  • Bahar Odabaş Özgür Kocaeli University
  • Mürşit Aksoy Kocaeli University
  • Mensure Aydın Kocaeli University
  • Serkan Koçkaya
  • Bergün Meriç Bingül Kocaeli University


Mothers’ Depression, Autistic Children, Depression Levels.


The purpose of this study is to determine the depression levels of mothers by the type of special educational services they got for their autistic children. Mothers of 20 male autistics and 5 female autistics participated in the study as volunteers. %24 of families got educational services from life coaches, %48 from O.Ç.E.M (Autistic Children Education Centers) and %28 from rehabilitation centers. Beck depression scale applied to volunteers to determine the depression levels (SCORES, Life Coach =16±7,05, O.Ç.E.M =13,83±7,05, Rehabilitation Center =25,57±9,28). Data were presented as mean, SD, frequency for description purpose. Variables were analyzed and were calculated by using Kruskal Wallis Test and Mann Whitney U tests. There is a significance difference at level of P<0.05 (p=0,035) between parents which get different types of special educational services. As a result; significant difference has found in the depression levels of parents which get special educational services from rehabilitation centers found more depressive then O.Ç.E.M and life coach services. 


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Author Biographies

Bahar Odabaş Özgür, Kocaeli University

Assist. Prof. Dr., Kocaeli University, Faculty of Sports Sciences

Mürşit Aksoy, Kocaeli University

Assist. Prof. Dr., Kocaeli University, Institute of Health Sciences

Mensure Aydın, Kocaeli University

Assoc. Prof. Dr., Kocaeli University, Faculty of Sports Sciences

Serkan Koçkaya

Std., Kocaeli University, Faculty of Sports Sciences

Bergün Meriç Bingül, Kocaeli University

Assoc. Prof. Dr., Kocaeli University, Faculty of Sports Sciences


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How to Cite

Odabaş Özgür, B., Aksoy, M., Aydın, M., Koçkaya, S., & Meriç Bingül, B. (2016). Determination of mothers’ depression levels by the type of special educational services they get for their autistic children. Journal of Human Sciences, 13(3), 6092–6097. Retrieved from


