Playfulness, perceived stress and coping with stress approaches in teacher candidates in various departments


  • Burcu Güvendi İstanbul University
  • Muhsin Hazar Gazi University


Playfulness, Perceived Stress, Coping with Stress


The purpose of this research is to examine the playfulness, perceived stress and overcoming the stress styles in teacher candidates, identify the relationships between. The research group of 338 ( =20.31±1.25) physical education, pre-school and classroom teachers, of which 242 were females ( =20.27±1.25) and 96 were males ( =20.44±1.25). As data collection tool, 'Playfulness Scale', 'Perceived Stress Scale' and 'Coping with Stress Scale' were used. In the analysis of data, Spearman Product Moment Correlation Analysis, Kruskal Wallis and Mann-Whitney U Tests from non-parametrical tests were used due to normal distribution conditions are not fulfilled. In regard to departments, significant difference was identified in teacher candidate's dimensions of playfulness scale and coping with stress scale (p<0.05). The results of physical education teacher candidates being more playful compared to teacher candidates in other departments, and pre-school and class teacher candidates using the consulting to social support approach more were reached.


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Author Biographies

Burcu Güvendi, İstanbul University

Research Assistant, İstanbul University, Sports Science Faculty

Muhsin Hazar, Gazi University

Assoc.. Prof., Gazi University, Sports Science Faculty


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How to Cite

Güvendi, B., & Hazar, M. (2016). Playfulness, perceived stress and coping with stress approaches in teacher candidates in various departments. Journal of Human Sciences, 13(3), 5796–5806. Retrieved from



Social Psychology