Do Syrian refugees a real impact on local unemployment in Turkey?


  • Emin Çakılcı Istanbul University


Syrian refugees, immigration, Turkey, labor, unemployment, informal working


Syrian civil war has caused a forced massive immigration into neighbour countries. Almost six billion people has spreaded out neighbour countries as being refugees. Since the start of the war in March 2011, three billion syrian people’s have passed the borders as being refugees to Turkey. Turkey has the biggest share on the World of this massive emigration. Syrian refugees firstly settled in camps near the borders and after filling the camps they spread out across the country. Most of them have started to working informally at seconder sector; therefore they have been invisible competitors for native employees. In this study, the effects of Syrian refugees as employees on local unemployment were discussed. Outcomes show us Syrian refugees have a real impact on native unemployment, especially in the informal sectors. In cities where Syrian refugees have settled, local unemployment rates have inclined; because of this, many native employees have lost their jobs.


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Author Biography

Emin Çakılcı, Istanbul University



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How to Cite

Çakılcı, E. (2017). Do Syrian refugees a real impact on local unemployment in Turkey?. Journal of Human Sciences, 14(2), 1207–1214. Retrieved from



Labour Economics and Industrial Relation