The relationship between reactive and proactive Aggression and emotional and behavioral difficulties: Criterion validity of the Reactive-Proactive Aggression Questionnaire (RPQ) among preadolescents


  • Aslı Uz Baş Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi
  • İrfan Yurdabakan Dokuz Eylül University


Criterion validity, the Reactive-Proactive Aggression Questionnaire, preadolescents, the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire


The present study aimed to assess the criterion validity of the Reactive-Proactive Aggression Questionnaire (RPQ) in a Turkish sample of preadolescents. Participants consisted of 379 middle school students (190 boys and 189 girls) aged 11 to 15 years. In this study, the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) was used as the criterion instrument. Findings from stepwise regression analysis revealed that conduct problems were the strongest predictor of both reactive and proactive aggression. Additionally, reactive aggression was uniquely predicted by emotional symptoms and hyperactivity, whereas proactive aggression was uniquely predicted by prosocial behavior. Our results indicate that the RPQ has acceptable criterion validity for use in Turkish preadolescents.


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Author Biographies

Aslı Uz Baş, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi

Assoc. Prof. Dr., Dokuz Eylül University, Buca Faculty of Education, Department of Educational Sciences

İrfan Yurdabakan, Dokuz Eylül University

Assoc. Prof. Dr., Dokuz Eylül University, Buca Faculty of Education, Department of Educational Sciences


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How to Cite

Uz Baş, A., & Yurdabakan, İrfan. (2017). The relationship between reactive and proactive Aggression and emotional and behavioral difficulties: Criterion validity of the Reactive-Proactive Aggression Questionnaire (RPQ) among preadolescents. Journal of Human Sciences, 14(3), 2553–2564. Retrieved from



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