Children and nutrition


  • Evren Ebru Altıncı Istanbul University


Children, Nutrition, Physical Activity


It is possible to raise healthy generations by improving the awareness levels of the role models (parents, teachers etc.) who will shape the perspectives of future parents towards nutrition and physical activity. That children receive adequate levels of nutrition from proper sources, which is vital for children’s growth and development, is considerably under the control of external factors (e.g. family and friends’ eating habits, third person’s care/knowledge and experiences such as teachers/trainers etc.). Considering nutrition and the intense physical activity of preschoolers, which is an inherent characteristic of that development stage, and especially the children who are guided to do more intense physical activity, the case becomes more complex. Thus, with the aim to address children’s energy depletion from intense physical activity, it is suggested to provide children with attractive alternatives. Including some of these alternatives, this study aims to reveal the significance of an adequate and balanced diet as well as proper planning of physical activity and periodic assessments at the appropriate time and conditions so that the children who start regular physical activity display optimal performance.


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Author Biography

Evren Ebru Altıncı, Istanbul University

Assist. Prof., Istanbul University, Faculty of Sports Sciences


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How to Cite

Altıncı, E. E. (2017). Children and nutrition. Journal of Human Sciences, 14(3), 2345–2351. Retrieved from



Physical Education and Sport Sciences