An investigation of ecocentric and anthropocentric attitudes and antipathy towards environment in athletes


  • Beyza Merve Akgül Gazi University
  • Cenk Birinci Gazi University
  • Şenol Göral Ggazi University
  • Suat Karaküçük Gazi University


Athletes, environment, ecocentric attitude, anthropocentric attitude


The aim of this study is to examine the ecocentric, anthropocentric and antipathetic attitudes towards the environment regarding with different variables. Study group is composed of 413 athletes randomly selected from directly nature sports and also sports that is not related to nature. To collect data, ecocentric, anthropocentric and antipathetic attitudes towards the protection of the environment scale is used. To analyze the data, descriptive statistics of the athletes’ attitudes towards environment were calculated. For other variables’ comparison, independent t-test and ANOVA were applied. As a result; amongst athletes’ the ecocentric attitudes’ mean was found the highest. Athletes’ ecocentric attitude values vary only. According to their educational level; anthropocentric attitude values vary according to their sport type and educational level; antipathetic attitudes towards the protection of the environment vary according to sex, sports type, educational level, perceived income level and also the living environment. s conclusion; athletes with university and higher educational levels have higher ecocentric scores than athletes with high school and lower education levels; athletes from nature sports and athletes with high school and lower educational levels have higher anthropocentric scores than athletes from indoor sports and athletes with university and higher educational levels; finally, men participants than women participant, athletes from nature sports than athletes from indoor sports, athletes with high school and lower educational levels than athletes with university and higher educational levels, participants with high and low perceived income levels than participants with average perceived income levels, participants living in country side than participants living in cities have higher antipathetic attitude scores towards the protection of the environment.


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Author Biographies

Beyza Merve Akgül, Gazi University

Associate Prof. Dr. Gazi University, Sport Science Faculty, Recreation Department

Cenk Birinci, Gazi University

Research Asistant. Gazi University, Tourism Faculty, Recreation Management Department

Şenol Göral, Ggazi University

Research Asistant.. Gazi University, Sport Science Faculty, Recreation Department

Suat Karaküçük, Gazi University

Prof. Dr., Gazi University, Sport Science Faculty, Recreation Department


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How to Cite

Akgül, B. M., Birinci, C., Göral, Şenol, & Karaküçük, S. (2017). An investigation of ecocentric and anthropocentric attitudes and antipathy towards environment in athletes. Journal of Human Sciences, 14(4), 3405–3414. Retrieved from



Physical Education and Sport Sciences