Examination of the effects of some variables in internal control and organizational stress management via multiple regression on perception of risk and uncertainty



Internal control, organizational stress, perception of risk and uncertainty, meaningful work, flexibility


Internal control is an essential element of successful and effective management. Internal control which plays a role as a proactive and integral element in organizations’ adapting to changing and changes also plays an important role in the realization of organizational strategy. In some cases, change brings risks along with uncertainties.  One of the most effective tools against the stress occurring in cases where the risks and change cannot be managed is, without doubt, internal control practices.  Risk management practices are dealt with within the scope of internal control. Risk management is directly related to perception of risks and uncertainties of the employees and the organization. The effect of some variables on the perception of risk and uncertainty has been investigated since the risks and uncertainties in the organizations are constantly in interaction with stress and internal control applications. The study was conducted face to face by asking 348 entrepreneurs operating on the textile industry to fill in the survey form in Kayseri in Turkey.  The effects of total work experience, age, gender and strength on perception of risk and uncertainty have been determined.


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Author Biographies

İlknur Bilgen, Hakkari University

Assist. Prof., Hakkari University

Hikmet Yaşar, Hakkari University

Instructor, Hakkari University, Çölemerik MYO

Mustafa Şeker

PhD. Student, Near East University, Institute of Social Sciences, Lefkosa, Cyprus

Nuh Mehmet Büyüksivaslıoğlu

PhD. Student, Southern University (IMBL), Rostov on Don, Russia


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How to Cite

Bilgen, İlknur, Yaşar, H., Şeker, M., & Büyüksivaslıoğlu, N. M. (2018). Examination of the effects of some variables in internal control and organizational stress management via multiple regression on perception of risk and uncertainty. Journal of Human Sciences, 15(1), 155–162. Retrieved from https://j-humansciences.com/ojs/index.php/IJHS/article/view/4919



Business Administration