The exploring of level of knowledge about AIDS of staffs in a food sector in Karaman city center


  • Meltem Demirgöz
  • Nejla Canbulat
  • Dilek Cingil
  • Ayfer Aksuoğlu


AIDS, Gıda Sektörü, Çalışanlar


According to new data in the UNAIDS 2006 Report, An estimated 38.6 million people are living with HIV worldwide. Approximately 4.1 million people became newly infected with HIV, while approximately 2.8 million people died of AIDS-related illnesses in 2005. HIV/AIDS has increasingly an important. One from most effectual methods in AIDS fight is instructed about risk on behaviors. Education needs about AIDS must be decided to decrease newly infected with HIV. This study was planned to assess level of knowledge and to determinate for education needs related HIV in adults male and female. The study is descriptive type. It was done in a food sector in Karaman city center submitting for research. in May 2006, all of working in the food factory’s administration department  (n=60) has answered the question form preparing by researchers. Participant’s characteristics: 71.7 percent were male, 59.7 percent were university graduate, 75 percent were married. They have been worked over and forty hours in week. All of them have health insurance. Participants had been informed with AIDS percent 65.3 by media such as television, radio, newspaper and percent 10.8 by health professionals. The mean point of their knowledge was 15.35±4.07. 99.9 percent of participants had correctly answered to question that were infected by people whose blood contemned with HIV. 75.8 percent of participants can not correctly answer to question about possibility infected of HIV to be bitten by mosquito or insect. 41.7 percent of participants had answered to question that “what do you do to learn whether your sexual partner infected with HIV or not”, but 59.3 percent of them had not answered same question. Participants answering to this question signed that 98.3 percent of participants have been made by health setting blood test on partner, 12.3 percent of participants will have to observe of disease symptom on partner or health report taken by health setting for his/her partner. 1.7 percent of participants had signed so that they can promote own health using condom during coitus. Knowledge point about AIDS was difference and meaningful by statistical on university graduate of participants more than primary and secondary school graduate of participants. Media establishments should be publishing many programs with AIDS. The health professionals must be instructing to public with AIDS.



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How to Cite

Demirgöz, M., Canbulat, N., Cingil, D., & Aksuoğlu, A. (2007). The exploring of level of knowledge about AIDS of staffs in a food sector in Karaman city center. Journal of Human Sciences, 4(1). Retrieved from



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