The relation between employment hope and emotional expression levels of music teacher candidates



hope, employment hope, emotion, emotional expressivity, music, music education


The objective of this research is to present the relation between employment hope levels and emotional expressivity levels of music teacher candidates. A total of 226 music teacher candidates studying Music Education in Faculties of Fine Arts in Marmara University, Trakya University, Karadeniz Technical University and Necmettin Erbakan University in 2015-2016 academic year constituted the study group of the research. Employment Hope Scale, Berkeley Expressivity Scale and Personal Information Form were used as data collection tool. Data acquired through these scales were analyzed through Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation Coefficient. In this study, a significantly relation was found between employment hope levels and emotional expressivity levels of music teacher candidates.


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Author Biography

Mürvet Nevra Küpana, Sakarya University

Dr. M. Nevra Küpana is an assistant professor at Sakarya University State Conservatory from 2013. She received her PhD degree in Music Education from Marmara University in 2011. Her research areas are piano education, music education and music psychology.


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How to Cite

Küpana, M. N. (2018). The relation between employment hope and emotional expression levels of music teacher candidates. Journal of Human Sciences, 15(1), 451–458. Retrieved from


