Evaluating the open admission practice in vocational colleges (Kirklareli University case)



Vocational colleges, vocational and technical education, open admission practice, scoring system, employability.


With a regulation made in 2001, vocational and technical secondary education graduates were given the right to enroll to vocational colleges without taking the national central exam. However, this regulation was repealed in 2016. If the students are placed in an associate degree program in the same field, additional points are added to the points gained from central examination. The purpose of this research is to evaluate the open admission practice which had been going on for more than fifteen years and the abolition of this practice according to the opinions of the academics who work in vocational colleges of Kirklareli University. The data of the research were collected with the help of four open ended questions in written form, with the qualitative research method. The abolition of the open admission practice is evaluated as a positive development by academic stuff of Kirklareli University, in terms of the quality of education and employability. The research findings show that eliminating the open admission practice is a positive practice. According to the findings of the study, was evaluated positively the removal of the open admission practice. Inter-agency cooperation on the issue can be useful.



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Author Biographies

Işıl Tüzün Arpacıoğlu, Kirklareli University

Ins., Kirklareli University, Babaeski Vocational College, Finance, Banking and Insurance Department

Ertuğ Can, Kirklareli University

Assoc. Prof. Dr., Kirklareli University, Science and Literature Faculty, Educational Sciences Department

Fatma Oya Aktaş, Kirklareli University

Ins, Kirklareli University, Babaeski Vocational College, Foreign Trade Department


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How to Cite

Tüzün Arpacıoğlu, I., Can, E., & Aktaş, F. O. (2019). Evaluating the open admission practice in vocational colleges (Kirklareli University case). Journal of Human Sciences, 16(1), 205–215. Retrieved from https://j-humansciences.com/ojs/index.php/IJHS/article/view/5470



Educational Administration and Management