Understanding the effect of aim in life and lonelıness level on attendance to lesson among Azerbaijanı And Turkmenıstanıan undergraduate students


  • Hafız Bek Uşak University


Aim in life, attendance to lesson, loneliness, Turkmenistian students, Azerbaijan students


This descriptive study is aimed to investigate the relationship between Azerbaijani and Turkmenistanian undergraduate students’ attendance to lesson, their aim in life and loneliness level. A total of 145 students -105 males and 40 females- who were selected by sampling from Turkmenistanian and Azerbaijani students enrolled Uşak University participated in the research voluntarily. According to the results of the descriptive statistics about the variables of the students in the study, when the arithmetic averages are examined, it is seen that they participate to the lessons at a high level. Besides, it is understood that aim in life and loneliness levels of these undergraduate students are medium-level. There is a significant positive correlation between aim in life and attendance to lesson. When the relationship between loneliness level and aim in life is examined, it is observed that there is a negative low level and insignificant relation statistically. When the relationship between attendance to lesson and loneliness level is examined, it is observed that there is a high significant relationship in the negative direction. There is no significant relation among attendance to lesson with aim in life and loneliness level. When the results of the t-test on the significance of the regression coefficients are examined, it is seen that both variables are predictive of attendance to lesson


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Author Biography

Hafız Bek, Uşak University

Assist. Prof. Dr., Uşak University, Faculty of Education


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How to Cite

Bek, H. (2018). Understanding the effect of aim in life and lonelıness level on attendance to lesson among Azerbaijanı And Turkmenıstanıan undergraduate students. Journal of Human Sciences, 15(4), 2674–2681. Retrieved from https://j-humansciences.com/ojs/index.php/IJHS/article/view/5625


