A communication and participation-oriented model proposal for current urban transformation processes





Urban transformation, Resident participation, Participation model, Law no. 6306, Quality of life


Research Problem: Urban transformation planning policies, which have been the focus during the last decade in Turkey, have begun to progress with renewal of risky areas with the introduction of Law No. 6306. While it was stated that increasing the quality of life and social rehabilitation of area residents were targeted in transformations where neighborhoods are transformed into urban land, in fact, resident expectations were not met and the residents, who experienced dissatisfaction in the transformed environments that were not suitable for their lifestyles, left these areas or continued their lives in despair due to economic reasons. Ignorance of resident expectations in transformation process reduces their quality of life and only through participation the residents, who are the actors that experience the impact of transformation the most, could express their preferred lifestyle. Aim: The present study aimed to propose a participatory transformation model in transforming the current transformation framework into a user-oriented approach. Method: In the development of the model, the participation scenarios / strategies were integrated into the break points in the process defined in Law No. 6306 which underlines the current urban transformation dynamics. Findings: Each experience that different transformation processes which the proposed model could be applied based on its own dynamics would create new structuring processes that would contribute to the model. Based on the model, it was aimed to establish continuous communication and information flow between users, architects, authorities and other stakeholders, to increase socio-physical satisfaction of the residents since the residence and residential environment would be built based on resident demands and to sustain the sense of belonging and satisfaction of the residents with the preferences. Conclusion: The process based on the proposals that were determined with participation principle and continuous communication between all stakeholders and especially the architect and residents would establish the foundation for not only to secure risky buildings, but also for socially and economically sustainable urban transformation projects that would provide added value to the city and improve the quality of life of urban residents.


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Author Biography

Miray Gür, Uludag University

Assoc. Prof. Dr., Uludag University, Faculty of Architecture, Department of Architecture


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How to Cite

Gür, M. (2020). A communication and participation-oriented model proposal for current urban transformation processes. Journal of Human Sciences, 17(2), 415–431. https://doi.org/10.14687/jhs.v17i2.5627


