Different lives and shared practices: Sociology of women in Turkey





Consumption culture, body, culture industry, cinema, Fight Club


Although there have been various studies on women and feminism since 1960s, gender inequalities are still experienced in the modern era. Paradigmatic changes have been experienced in western societies and communities that have been affected by these western theories and practices. However, women still undergo hard times in social and business lives. This study aims to focus on social practices of women that have different experiences. The study is descriptive and exploratory in nature. A semi-structured interview was administered. The participants ( N=17) were involved in the study at a Turkish university. Thus, this study intended to bring theory and practice together at the university. Each of the participants had different socio-economic backgrounds. The study was carried out in four sessions. In each session women received training from different experts. The results of the study show that the participants developed positive attitudes towards training regarding women ranging from art to law and that these educational practices should be sustained in the society.



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Author Biography

Özlem Aydoğmuş Ördem, Ege University

Assist. Prof. Dr., Faculty of Communication Sciences, Cukurova University


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How to Cite

Aydoğmuş Ördem, Özlem. (2019). Different lives and shared practices: Sociology of women in Turkey. Journal of Human Sciences, 16(4), 1096–1103. https://doi.org/10.14687/jhs.v16i4.5828


