The actors of teacher supervision




teacher supervision, supervisory actors, supervision, inspection


Educational supervision is a process aiming to enhance teaching by developing teacher. The position and the quality of supervisor are of great importance for effective supervision experiences. The purpose of this research is to determine the actors carrying effective teacher supervision. So, school administrators and teachers working in general high schools and supervisors working in provincial directorate of national education in Efeler district of Aydin/Turkey are asked for their opinions. Results show that participants suggest different supervisory actors in different dimensions of teacher supervision. Generally, the school principal, vice-principal, head of the department and student preferences have come to the fore. Teachers, administrators and supervisors suggest different supervisory actors.



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Author Biographies

Burcu Altun, Adnan Menderes University

Research Assistant, Adnan Menderes University, Faculty of Education, Department of Educational Sciences

Pınar Yengin Sarkaya, Adnan Menderes University

Assoc. Prof. Dr., Adnan Menderes University, Faculty of Education, Department of Educational Sciences


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How to Cite

Altun, B., & Yengin Sarkaya, P. (2020). The actors of teacher supervision. Journal of Human Sciences, 17(1), 284–303.



Educational Administration and Management