A general assessment on alcohol use and smoking within the framework of child protection in sport programmes





Sport, child protection in sports, child abuse, child protection policy


The purpose of this study is to provide an analysis of policies regarding alcohol use and smoking within the scope of Child Protection in Sport Programmes. Documents of international and national sports organisations have been reviewed using a document analysis technique.  Findings of the research have been used in the study by way of a content analysis method. National and international sports organisations have set up various alcohol and cigarette policies with the intention of preventing child abuse in sports environments by being a role model to children, encouraging children not to acquire bad habits and thereby creating a healthier society. Consequently, policies regarding alcohol use and smoking will be recommended as part of the child protection scheme within the sports system in Turkey.


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Author Biographies

Aylin Uğurlu

Ph.D. Student, Gazi University, Department of Physical Education and Sport

Mustafa Yaşar Şahin, Gazi University

Assoc. Prof. Dr., Gazi University, Faculty of Sports Sciences


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How to Cite

Uğurlu, A., & Şahin, M. Y. . (2020). A general assessment on alcohol use and smoking within the framework of child protection in sport programmes. Journal of Human Sciences, 17(4), 986–998. https://doi.org/10.14687/jhs.v17i4.6068



Physical Education and Sport Sciences