The effect of ecologically based playgrounds on the child's sensory and motor functions




Children, children playgrounds, ecological playgrounds, sensory function, motor function


Children actively learn themselves, their immediate environment and the world through play. It is observed that the environment plays a major role in increasing the physical activity levels of children and ensuring their functional development.

Being intertwined with nature is very important for children in environmental education. However, the importance of physical planning of ecological playgrounds for children is often overlooked. It is known that natural spaces designed within the framework of ecological principles and containing different habitat types (water, soil, plants, animals, etc.) are more suitable for environmental education than classical green spaces, especially for children living in cities. It is known that a flexible and changeable environment provides more opportunities for positive behavior in environmental education. In addition to the positive aspects that the natural elements in the environment contribute to the psychological, emotional and social integration of the child, there are also contributions in terms of motor and sensory development. In addition, the areas designed in this direction reveal the feeling of freedom of children and are effective in making them more sensitive to environmental issues.



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Author Biographies

Ayşem Ecem Özdemir, Istanbul Gelisim University

Research Assistant, Istanbul Gelisim University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation English Department

Bahar Nur Kanbur, İstanbul Gelisim University

Assistant Professor, Istanbul Gelisim University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Nursing Department


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How to Cite

Özdemir, A. E., & Kanbur, B. N. (2022). The effect of ecologically based playgrounds on the child’s sensory and motor functions. Journal of Human Sciences, 19(4), 582–588.



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