An investigation of conscious awareness and problem solving skills with demographic and psychological variables




Awareness, Conscious Awareness, Mindfulness, Problem Solving


The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between mindfulness and problem solving skills in terms of cognitive psychology approach and the effect of some independent vartables. Relational survey method was used in the study. The sample populatton consisted of 125 third and fourth year students of the Faculty of Educatton who were determined through disproportionate element sampling. The data collection tools used were "Personal Evaluation Ouestionnaire", "Mindfulness Awareness Scale (MBAS)" and "Problem Solving Inventory (PSB". For data analysis, t-test analysis, one-way analysis of vattance (ANOVA) and Pearson moment corfrelatton analysis were used.

In terms of the findings, no telattonship was found between mindfulness and problem solving skills. Demogtaphic characteristics and bemg a numerical or verbal major had no effect on mindfulness and problem solving.

Participants who were traumatized or had psychological complaints had lower levels of //7d/0/ness. The mindtulness levels of partikipants whose life philosophies and lives were in harmony were found to be high. Participants with persistent iİlnesses perceived themselves as more inadeguate in problem solving skills. Participants who have received or are receiving psychotherapy process consider themselves more competent in problem solving. It was found that as the participants' contributton to their own education plans decreased, they considered themselves more ınadeguate in problem solving skills. Participants who were asked for help to solve problems considered themselves more competent in problem solving.

As a result, significant relattonships were found between some vartables and mindfulness and problem solving skills. No direct relationship was found between mindfulness and problem solving skills.



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Author Biographies

Semanur Tatoğlu

M.A., Psychological Counselor

M. Cüneyt Birkök, Sakarya University

Mehmet Cüneyt Birkök, Ph.D.

Sakarya University
Faculty of Education
Department of Educational Sciences
Hendek Sakarya - TURKEY


İsak Pardo, Nişantaşı University

Dr. Öğr. Üyesi, Nişantaşı Üniversitesi, İktisadi İdari ve Sosyal Bilimler Fakültesi, Psikoloji


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How to Cite

Tatoğlu, S., Birkök, M. C., & Pardo, İsak. (2022). An investigation of conscious awareness and problem solving skills with demographic and psychological variables. Journal of Human Sciences, 19(4), 532–549.



Guidance and Psychological Counselling