The phenomenon of nationalism in nation-state




Nation-state, Nationalism, Nation


Following dissolution of empires, nation-states appeared on the stage of history in the 19th century when they were established as a result of nationalism that came into prominence based on unity of common language and history.

it would not be wrong to say that the nationalist movements that started in the 19th century and the transition period to the nation-state structure took place simultaneously. Nationalism has an important role in the process of losing the legitimacy of traditional structures and the emergence of modern states.

The nationalist movement and its studies, which gained momentum especially after the world wars, were gen-erally evaluated together with modernism. Even if nationalism is not an ideology, it is undeniable that the na-tion form has existed in social life since ancient times.

In addition to the economic, social and cultural reasons and changes that helped the emergence of the nation-state, there is also the concept of "nationalism", which was of interest to sociology at the end of the 19th cen-tury and at the beginning of the 20th century.

The nation-state differs from previous state structures with its nationalist nature. Reasons such as changing economic functions, their organization and social change have found reality in the nation-state structure on the political axis and have also formed the cultural essence. It would be appropriate to emphasize that nationalism is undoubtedly the dominant element in the structuring of the nation-state, whether it is based on blood ties, language or cultural unity. The nation-states, which we accept as the modern period state structure, have formed today's modern nation-state structure by adopting nationalism as an ideology in order to integrate their people.

 This study seeks to answer certain questions such as whether the idea of nationalism influences the for-mation of nation-state and whether nation-states play an active role in the rise of nationalism. As a result of evaluations, it appears that the idea of nationalism, on one hand, has an active role in the formation of nation-state and nation-state, on the other hand, plays a role in the rise of nationalism as an ideology for keeping together the population living within its territory after its formation process.



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Author Biography

Ezgi Tanrıverdi, Sakarya University

Assist. Prof. Dr., Sakarya University Of Applied Sciences, Vocational School


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How to Cite

Tanrıverdi, E. (2022). The phenomenon of nationalism in nation-state. Journal of Human Sciences, 19(4), 605–612.


