An examination of some physiological and anthropometric characteristics of 10-12 year-old soccer players
Anthropometric Characteristics, Physiological Characteristics, young footballersAbstract
Research aim: This study aimed to examine some physiological and anthropometric characteristics of 10-12 years old soccer players. Method: 20 subjects aged 11.05±0.94, who have been actively participating in Konya Besiktas Football Schools for 3 years, voluntarily participated in the study. These subjects’ body weight, height, body fat percentage, arm span, leg length, bust length, back strength, leg strength, hand grip strength, anaerobic power, maximum oxygen consumption and 30 m sprint test measurements were made. Averages and standard deviations of the measured and calculated values were analysed using the “IBM SPSS Statistics Version v.21” statistical program. Results: As a result of the tests and measurements made, the subjects average body weight was 37.31±7.71 kg, height 147.66±9.25 cm, body fat percentage 17.99±3.92%, arm span 145.4±10,1 cm, leg length 69.62±6.57 cm, bust length 76.51±3.4 cm, back strength 51.95±12.86 kg, leg strength 52.77±14.36 kg, hand grip strength 17.67±5.34 kg, anaerobic power value 46.07±12.22 kgm/sec, maximum oxygen consumption (maxVO2) 44.61±3.23 ml/kg/min, and 30 m sprint test score 5.74±0.32 sec. Discussion and Conclusion: As a result of the literature review, it was determined that children in the same age group have similar physiological and anthropometric characteristics.
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