The effect of leisure benefits on happiness
Recreation, leisure benefit, happiness, leisureAbstract
Purpose: This study aimed to examine the effect of leisure benefits on happiness.
Method: In the study, the “Leisure Benefit Scale” developed by Ho (2008) and adapted in Turkish by Akgül, Karakucuk and Ertüzün (2018) was used to measure the recreational benefit perceptions of the participants. In addition, the “Oxford Happiness Scale”, developed by Hills and Argyle (2002) and adapted into Turkish by Doğan and Akıncı Çötok (2011). Convenience sampling in the selection of the sample and face-to-face survey method was preferred in the collection of data. The analysis of the data was performed through the SPSS program, and descriptive statistics, Pearson Correlation, and Regression analyzes were used.
Findings: The research group consisted of 1342 university students, 739 males (55.1%) and 603 females (44.9%), between the ages of 18-25 (21.07±2.24) studying in sports sciences faculties across Turkey. When the results of the analysis were examined, a positive relationship was determined between the leisure benefit perceptions of the participants and their happiness levels. Besides, it was observed that the perception of leisure benefits had a positive effect on happiness.
Conclusions: Accordingly, a positive change was detected in happiness levels as the level of benefit perceived by the participants from recreational activities increased.
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