Sustainability attitudes in nursing survey: A cross-cultural adaptation and validation study
Attitude, Nursing, Nursing students, Sustainability, SurveyAbstract
Research aim: The aim of this study was to cross-culturally adapt the Sustainability Attitudes in Nursing Survey into Turkish and evaluate its validity and reliability among Turkish speaking nursing students.
Methods: This methodological study was conducted with 400 nursing students, selected using a simple random sampling method from students studying at a state university in Turkey. Sociodemographic Characteristics Questionnaire and Sustainability Attitudes in Nursing Survey were used for data collection. The linguistic content validity analysis and Confirmatory Factor Analysis were performed to determine the validity of the survey. Test-retest reliability and Cronbach Alpha coefficient were determined for reliability of the survey.
Findings: The Content Validity Index of the Turkish version of the Sustainability Attitudes in Nursing Survey was found to be 0.91. In the Confirmatory Factor Analysis, the survey was confirmed as a single-factor model. The Cronbach Alpha coefficient of the survey was determined to be 0.76 and the intra-class correlation was 0.81 as a result of the test-retest.
Conclusions: The Turkish version of the survey has sufficient validity and reliability to evaluate sustainability attitudes of nursing students in the Turkish culture. It is recommended to conduct international comparative studies to identify nursing students’ sustainablity attitudes.
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