An empirical study on the examination of individual innovativeness levels of civil aviation academicians




Innovativeness, individual innovativeness, civil aviation academicians.


Research aim/problem: The civil aviation sector is a sector where high technology is used. Academics working in educational institutions that teach employees for this industry should be open to new ideas. The "Individual Innovation Scale" was employed in the study to measure the levels of innovativeness of civil aviation academics. The study was formed using a survey model. The research universe includes 440 civil aviation academicians. Among the random sample methods employed in the study was the accessible sampling approach. The study sample group comprises of 67 academics, 22 females and 45 males, who volunteered to take part in the research. Civil aviation academics, it can be argued, are prone to individual innovative traits, are open to experience and eager to attempt innovation, do not reject change, and have a high degree of engagement in thinking on this subject. Furthermore, significant differences were determined for the academic title variable "Resistance to Change" in the dimension of "Resistance to Change" according to the gender variable of the factors of individual innovativeness; according to the seniority variable, in the dimension of "Thought Leadership".


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Author Biography

Erdal Dursun, Nişantaşı University

Assist. Prof. Dr., Nişantaşı University, Faculty of Economics Administrative and Social Sciences, [email protected],


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How to Cite

Dursun, E. (2023). An empirical study on the examination of individual innovativeness levels of civil aviation academicians. Journal of Human Sciences, 20(1), 118–128.



Educational Administration and Management