Exploring the relationship between total vertical jump load and block performance in elite volleyball players: Position-specific analysis
Volleyball, vertical jump load, block error, negative block, elite playersAbstract
Aim: The study aimed to examine the relationship between total load jumps and negative block performance of elite male volleyball players. Method: During the research, 18 elite volleyball athletes were monitored, composed of 7 middle players, 8 spikers, and 3 opposite players. The total vertical jump and block performance of volleyball players were assessed during 23 demo matches completed in routine training sessions. The tracking of vertical jump count was facilitated by employing a vert belt, while the assessment of block performance relied on the application of Data Volley 4 Pro software. The statistical analysis of the data was conducted using the SPSS 22.0 package program for Windows. The Spearman correlation test was applied to assess the relationship between jump load and block performance. Results: A negative, weak, and significant relationship was found between vertical jump load and ineffective block (r=-,206; p<0,05) and a weak but insignificant relationship for block error (r=,100; p>0,05) for middle players. A positive, insignificant relationship was found between vertical jump load and block error (r=,007; p>0,05), and a negative, insignificant, for the ineffective block (r=-,079; p>0,05) for spikers. A positive, insignificant relationship between total jump load and ineffective block (r=,054; p>0,05), and block error (r=,027; p>0,05). Conclusion: Across all players, the findings suggest that the total jump load is not significantly related to either block errors or ineffective blocks. The positive correlations observed between jump load and both block errors and ineffective blocks are not statistically significant for the entire group.
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