Relationship between menstruation period, nutrients intake and appetite with premenstrual syndrome
premenstrual syndrome, nutrients, macronutrients, hunger, menstruationAbstract
Aim: This study was undertaken to evaluate the macronutrient intake and appetite status of women aged 18-40 before, during, and after menstruation and to examine the relationships of those variables with premenstrual syndrome.
Method: In this observational study, three days nutritional intake record, ‘‘Simplified Nutritional Appetite Questionnaire (SNAQ)’’, and ‘‘Premenstrual Syndrome Scale (PMS)’’ were administered to 410 women who applied to the nutrition and diet polyclinic of Kocaeli Derince Training and Research Hospital. All data were analyzed using IBM SPSS Statistics 26.
Results: As the women’s intake of macronutrients such as carbohydrates (g), protein (g), and fat (g), saturated fat (g) increased, scores for the PMS factors of Anxiety, Irritability, Depressive Affect and Thoughts, Pain, Fatigue, Changes in Appetite and Sleep increased as well, as did total scores (p<0.01 for all). As participants’ scores for the SNAQ increased, the Depressive Affect, Fatigue, Changes in Sleep, Bloating, and Changes in Appetite factor scores and the total scores of the PMS Scale increased (p<0.05).
Conclusion: Women’s macronutrient intake varies before, during, and after menstruation and PMS affects macronutrient intake and appetite.
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