Pediatric patient educational material development and implementation: A qualitative study of nursing students' experiences and opinions
nursing student, pediatric patient, health education, qualitative studyAbstract
Research problem/aim: This study aimed to evaluate the opinions of nursing students about the preparation and implementation of educational materials for hospitalized children.
Methods: The research was conducted by using a phenomenological research design, one of the qualitative research methods during clinical practice was carried out within the scope of the Child Health and Disease Nursing Course in a university in Ankara with 59 students. Data were collected face-to-face interview technique. The collected data were analyzed using the qualitative content analysis method.
Results: The analysis identified five themes reflecting the students' experiences with using pediatric training materials: (1) communication, (2) education, (3) nursing perception, (4) motivation, and (5) hospital and treatment adaptation. Developing of child patient-student nurse relationship, becoming easy, effective, permanent education, making them love clinical practice, facilitating compliance of the pediatric patient to the hospital and breaking the known prejudice of nursing are firstly taking place in the positive opinion of the nurse students. On the other hand, difficulties in getting feedback from child patients, having difficulties at identifying the training topic and preparing the material, increasing heavy workload with this study are main negative opinions.
Conclusion: The majority of opinions are positive about providing education with materials to child patients. It's suggested that to increase work on material preparation and training, use student motivation to develop educational roles, provide guidance to students on the subject.
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