Farabi’s scientific methods and their reflections on modern history of science





Farabi, scientific methods, history of science, philosophy


Farabi, as one of the most influential figures in the history of Islamic thought, made significant contributions to the history of science through his efforts to systematize science and integrate it with philosophy. He classified the sources of knowledge into reason, senses, and intuition, emphasizing the importance of experimental methods. Farabi’s logical analysis and interdisciplinary approach have not only shaped his own era but also left a lasting impact on modern scientific history. This study explores the fundamental principles of Farabi’s scientific methods and examines how his understanding of science and philosophy has influenced the modern history of science.

Farabi’s scientific methods, focusing on the sources and verification of knowledge, played a critical role in integrating rational thinking and ethical values into science. His pioneering emphasis on observation and reasoning in modern scientific methods also inspired the Renaissance movement in Europe. In this context, Farabi’s legacy remains vibrant today in interdisciplinary research, educational approaches, and discussions of scientific ethics. The study evaluates the influence of Farabi’s methodology on the production and application of scientific knowledge, demonstrating that he continues to serve as a source of inspiration for contemporary scientific approaches.



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Author Biography

Burcu Karaman



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How to Cite

Karaman, B. (2025). Farabi’s scientific methods and their reflections on modern history of science . Journal of Human Sciences, 22(1), 1–8. https://doi.org/10.14687/jhs.v22i1.6544