The economic issue of tourism: Algerian and socio-economic conditions of sustainable development in Algeria


  • Said Boumendjel Badji Mokhtar University in Annaba -Algeria


advantage, competitiveness, challenges, issues, training, investment, obstacle


Abstract in English:
The development is the dominant characteristic of the evolution of the world economy since the end of the last war. Evidently it requires an important effort of investment in order to increase the potential of production and a programming or scheduling to orient the choices and the actions.
It rests on the economical growth but this growth needs all activity branches to be lasting. The question is to know if it is possible to arrive to the stage of a supportable growth from a sector among others, the tourism. Before, we need to appreciate the economic importance of this sector and to know the mechanisms by which the main social and economic variables influence its multiple activities.  
A real analysis of the determinants of the touristy offer and demand as well as the analysis of the touristy products and markets would have permitted us to appreciate its role better in its possible quality of second wealth after the hydrocarbons. The lack of acceptable data is the major reason of its impossibility. In all cases, we are going to tempt to appreciate its importance through the three essential questions of economists: why, how and what.  
To tempt to answer there is making a first step toward the research of the solutions that would facilitate the process of lasting development of the tourism in Algeria.  
Key words: advantage, competitiveness, challenges, issues, training, investment, obstacle

Outline of the article
Part 1: Why invest in the tourism sector?
Section 1: Benefits and current Challenges socioeconomic
Section 2: The Dutch disease in Algeria
Section 3: The "grapes" of modern tourism
Part 2: How to get involved in the tourism sector?
Section 1: Between the theoretical and the practical
Section 2: The necessary lifting of barriers
Section 3: The essential conditions of the tourist take-off
Part 3: What products make available?
Section 1: Economy of market in tourism
Section 2: Economics of transportation and housing
Section 3: Internal Strand: Lodging, Transportation and Food

Abstract in French (Résumé) :
Le développement est la caractéristique dominante de l'évolution économique mondiale. Evidemment  il  exige un important effort d'investissement pour augmenter le potentiel de production, une programmation ou une planification pour orienter les choix et les actions.
Il repose sur la croissance économique mais celle-ci a besoin de toutes les branches d'activité pour être durable. La question est de savoir si on peut parvenir au stade d'une croissance soutenable à partir d'un secteur parmi d'autres, le tourisme. Auparavant, il s'agirait d'apprécier l'importance économique de ce secteur et connaître les mécanismes par lesquels les principales variables sociales et économiques influencent ses activités multiples.
Une véritable analyse des déterminants de l'offre et de la demande touristique et des produits et marchés touristiques aurait permis de mieux apprécier son rôle en qualité de seconde richesse éventuelle après les hydrocarbures. Le manque de données fiables ne le permet pas pour l'instant. En tous cas, nous allons tenter d'en apprécier l'importance  à travers les trois questions essentielles d'économistes : pourquoi, comment et quoi.
Tenter d'y répondre, c'est faire un premier pas vers la recherche des solutions qui faciliteraient le processus de développement durable du tourisme en Algérie.



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Author Biography

Said Boumendjel, Badji Mokhtar University in Annaba -Algeria

Former student of the school of Jean Jacques Rousseau – Antoine Bruno’ street  in Philippeville (currently SKIKDA, in the east of Algiers) and of the school-boy Anatole France located in the street of the Aures Philippeville, Dr. Said Boumendjel attended  (as Latin) the high school Tebessa Larbi (Ex-Dominique Luciani) in Skikda (ex Philippeville) and St. Augustin in Annaba (ex Bone). He also attended in the fifties the Medersa El-Irchad in Philippeville, which was created under the supervision of Sheikh BENBADIS of the Association of Algerian Muslim Ulemas

Bachelor of Arts (Algerian Bac) and of philosophy (French Bac  –  June 1965) and holding  an Economic degree from the Faculty of Law and Economics of Algiers (June 1970), he is now  a lecturer in the Faculty of Economics and Management of Sidi Achour, being the holder of three degrees of post-graduation in Economics : 

– D.E.S (Graduate Diploma of former regime - supported memory in Algiers in development economics under supervision of Professor Mohamed Dowidar in October 1971): "Unemployment and development goals-The case of Algeria"

– Magister on currency and financing (supported in Annaba under the direction of Professor Mohamed Sari in November 1991; equivalence of the DEA obtained by a registration for PhD at the University of Paris X-Nanterre): "The consumption pattern of Algeria in the  years 70 and 80; its monetary variables and its impact on the national currency "

– and a Ph.D. in Development Economics (supported in Annaba under the direction of Professor Mohamed Sari in April 2002): "The Distribution of National Income and Economic Development – Ricardo model and application to the case of Algeria."

Dr. Said Boumendjel teaches at the University Badji Mokhtar Annaba since 7 September 1983 (ie, more than twenty-five years of seniority and stability training).

Previously, he had kissed in the first period of his life, a career of military officer in active service (former Commander of investigation of a military college) then in a second period, a career of management framework, including having held positions including responsibility following :

1-Of ANP officer designed as Director of the former EGB (general construction) in El Asnam 1977 - Chlef today - as head of the "Plastics Project" linked to the National Directorate of Cooperatives -- DNC-ANP - (project of construction of the Sonatrach Plastic complex)

2-Then, as Regional Representative of the former Socialist Enterprise “Development of the National Construction” (Es-DNC), first in Ouargla in 1978-1979 and then at Tamanrasset in 1979-1980

3-and, finally, as Director General of EPBTP (a public enterprise of building and public works) in Tiaret 1981-1982, of which he is the creator and promoter

4-before finishing by a short passage to the former Sonacat (the national construction and engineering company) as Regional Director of Supplies in Annaba - 1982-1983

Edited books

1- General History of Algeria in 1984 (Directorate of Publications of the University Badji Mokhtar-Annaba-November 1984)

2- Statistical Guide of the student in 2000 (OPU-Algiers-May 2000-In Arabic, 237 pages)

3- BEC or "breviary of economic research" in 2003 (Directorate of Publications of the University-Annaba-May-2003 In French, 687 pages)

Published Articles

1-Contribution to the analysis of the underdevelopment (in Arabic) – In the Magazine Stand of the development - USEA - Algiers - N°6 -1987.

2-Reflections on the social problems of the algerian youth – The Magazine of sociological studies –Annaba university – N°3 - June 1992, pp 59 to 78.

3-A model of consumption through the expressed NEEDS – in the Magazine of sociological Studies - ISS – Annaba University – N°6 - November 1999. pp 139 to 159.

4-The cash and the capacity of financing in Algeria: between the theoretical and the practice –In the Magazine of the human sciences, Mentouri University of Constantine - N°15 - June 2001. PP107-119  

5-Cash and Distribution: will the application of the IMF -Model and the multiplier of credit permit to have in Algeria a regulation in conformity with the general well-being? -  Magazine of Emir Abdelkader University of Constantine - N°11 of February 2002 - pp21-49.

6-Contribution to the Reflection on the themes of" Corruption and Distribution": Does the application of the IMF model encourage it a regulation in conformity with the general well-being of Algeria, who passes inevitably by its capacity of mastery of the public expenses and its politics of struggle against all shapes of corruption which are altering the national income distribution? in the Magazine of the human and social sciences of the Colonel Hadj Lakhdar University of Batna - in the N°6 of June 2002 - pp7-19

2003 :

7-The truth of the facts and the crisis of the economics: thesis of the ENERGOÏSM (or Contribution to the explanation of the crisis of the Economics and its laws: Does the orthodox economy reflect the truth of the facts and do its laws are those of the energy or those of the selfishness?) - article - in the Tawassol magazine, university Badji Mokhtar of Annaba - N°10 of March 2003 - pp 20-71.

2004 :

8- What approach of the BALANCE of the payments in Algeria is possible? (with the collaboration of Naït Merzoug Mohamed-Larbi) - Magazine Perspectives – Research laboratories LARMO-LAREE, Annaba - N°6 - June 2004 - pp 149-160

2006 :

9-" Contribution on scientific thought about the contents and the sense of a united economy in the world susceptible to return the peace and the stability " - in  Review of Economy and management of the university Aboubekr Belkaïd -Tlemcen, in N°5 -June, 2006, pp79-102 –ISSN 1112-3524

10-" Stakes, challenges and paradoxes of the globalization " The exercise books of the MECAS, Research laboratory in Management of Companies and of share capital, BP 226, Tlemcen, 13000, Algeria-N°2, 2006, pp20-40 – ISSN 1112-5969.


11-" The globalization between americanization and challenges of the world solidarity " – Article in Arabic with the cooperation of Dr Azzi Abou Alla Lakhdar of the university of MSILA– Review of Free Media Watch N°87 of January 2nd, 2007 –

12-On-line international publication by the Canadian University of Sherbrooke: " the State and the civil society,  united or rival in the sustainable development? " – Site of Sherbrooke : You have to click a link which will bring you to a zipped file and this file has no address URL: [http: // tml] with publication of the CV stopped in May, 2007 [ ] – Identifier: rvdd2007 + Password: durable

2008 :

13-" Adjustment problems: Authenticity of peoples and the challenges of globalization" –International Publication in "World of Tomorrow", an Arabic journal indexed VIENNA (Austria), No. 14, January 2008 – Article written in collaboration with Dr. AZZI Lakhdar of the Boudiaf University of Msila : ()

14-"The state and the market through economic thought. Are we hostage to the prevailing theory and the status quo of the semantics of terms in use? The ingredients of an attempt to release" – International publication in the specifications of the Third World Association (ATM, Préludes) – Nancy, France --n°23, 2008– pp 35-52

15-« Being a contemporary of his time ensuring its authenticity and the challenges of globalization  », Article written in arabic in collaboration with Dr. AZZI Lakhdar of the Boudiaf University of Msila , published in the journal "Strategic Studies" from Al-Bassira Center, Algiers, No. 5 June 2008

In the daily newspapers and weekly or monthly:


1-About a wrapped model of consumption –In El-Watan  -September 20, 1992 - p7.


2-Where passed therefore the peasants of Algeria? - A diagnosis of the Algerian economy -in French in El-Watan of the 8, February 9 and 10, 2000 - p7


3 An Economy of market or is it an economy of merchants? Do the rehabilitation ingredients exist? -In The Daily of Oran, from Sunday November 21 to Sunday 28, 2004 (five parts).


4-" Recommendations to order: an urgent call on behalf of the Dr Boumendjel Saïd, Lecturer at the university of Annaba " - Article appeared in " The New Republic " of Saturday, April 23rd, 2005 -N°2183 - page 7 (In French).


5-"Specificity of the populations and the challenges of the globalization - comparative situation of the Algerian reality, the history and the heritage " - In association with the Dr Azzi Lakhdar of the university of MSILA – article drafted in on-line published Arabic on the site of =view&entr&entry=html/hayaa.html. – In October 3rd, 2007.

and number of international communications in Algeria and abroad.




How to Cite

Boumendjel, S. (2010). The economic issue of tourism: Algerian and socio-economic conditions of sustainable development in Algeria. Journal of Human Sciences, 7(1), 748–775. Retrieved from


