The theories on inequality: class theory


  • Ali Arslan


Power, Class, Class Theory, Marxist Class Theory, Weberian Class Theory, Class Consciousness, Middle Classes, İktidar, Sınıf, Sınıf Teorisi, Marksist Sınıf Teorisi, Weberci Sınıf Teorisi, Orta Sınflar, Sınıf Bilinci Elit, Elit Teorisi.


This stduy aims to analyse  class theory and its major expansions. In addition, the problems and dilemmas of class theory are discussed. Social inequality, either socially or economically, is one of the most common features of capitalist societies. Some people or some social groups have more money, more prestige, more privilege and more influence on the decision making process.  

            Two main strategies have been used for analysing and explaining inequalities. The first and most popular strategy is “class theory” which stresses ownership and control to explain class differentiation. It concentrates on the inequalities based mainly on the ownership or non-ownership of economic resources. Class theory was fathered by Karl Marx and especially developed by Marxist writers. Class analysts focus on identification of classes as the major social forces of society. There are two main schools of thought in class theory with their variations within each school: a) Marxist Class Theory, b) Weberian Class Theory 

If the Marxist class analysis and Weberian class analysis are examined it will be seen that, two approaches are incompatible and it is impossible to synthesise them. Nevertheless, Hindess sees Weber’s view as the correction of and supplement to Marx’s ideas rather than an alternative. When the ideas of Marx and Weber are compared, it will be clearly seen that both Marx and Weber explain classes in relation to the economy. Nevertheless, while Marx defines classes in terms of the relations of production, Weber defines them in relation to the market. 


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How to Cite

Arslan, A. (2006). The theories on inequality: class theory. Journal of Human Sciences, 8(1). Retrieved from


