Medyanın profesyonellik ideolojisi ve toplumsal çevresi ile olan ilişkisi üzerine sosyolojik bir değerlendirme
iletişim, Medya, Birey, Toplum, Kültür, Sosyalizasyon, Medya Profesyonel EtiğiAbstract
Media Professional Ethics & A Sociological Evaluation on the Relationship Between the Media and Its SocialEnvironment
There are two opposing ideas about the influence of media: media are “passive transmitters” or “active
interveners” in the shaping of messages. According to pluralist approach, media professionals behave in accordance
with their ideology. Pluralists also presume that ultimate control of the production process in the media is on the hands
of the media professionals. Marxist scholars refuse this very optimistic presumption and they claim that the form of
outputs and the meaning of messages usually determined elsewhere within dominant culture.This study designed to analyse the influence of media on individuals, social groups, culture and whole society.
The findings of researchers clearly show that the mass media have a great influence in changing knowledge, beliefs,
opinions, attitudes, feelings and behaviour patterns of individuals. Individuals, social groups, organisations, social
institutions, the whole society and culture can be affected by mass communications.
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