Wingate anaerobic power test


  • Ali Özkan
  • Yusuf Köklü
  • Gülfem Ersöz


Wingate anaerobic test, Anaerobic performans


The Wingate Anaerobic Test (WAnT) was developed during the 1970s at the Department of Research and Sport Medicine of the Wingate Institute for Physical Education and Sport in Israel. Since the introduction of its prototype, the WAnT has been accepted in laboratories around the world to assess muscle power, muscle endurance and fatigability (1). Wingate test was designed to be simple to administered without the need for particularly skilled personnel; inexpensive; used with commonly available equipment; non-invasive; feasible for administraction to a wide spectrum of the population, according young children and physically disable. The test should be applicable to the upper and lower limbs alike. WAnT is a supramaximal exercise test involves pedaling a cycle ergometer for 30 seconds at a maximal speed against a resistance which is determined according to the subject’s body weight. WAnT is proven to be valid and reliable and the most popular anaerobic performance test. The purpose of this article review was to describe WAnT in all dimensions.



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Author Biographies

Ali Özkan

Başkent University, Department of Sport Sciences

Yusuf Köklü

Pamukkale University, School of Sport Sciences and Tecnology

Gülfem Ersöz

Ankara University, School of Physical Education and Sport  



How to Cite

Özkan, A., Köklü, Y., & Ersöz, G. (2010). Wingate anaerobic power test. Journal of Human Sciences, 7(1), 207–224. Retrieved from



Physical Education and Sport Sciences