the comparation of skaletion osteoblastik activity spread between wrestling and sedanters between aged 17-20


  • Taner Ziylan
  • Mehmet Özdemir
  • Güngör Taştekin
  • Adem Civan


Bone, exercise, involvement


In this study, the difference in the ratios of bone invasion in wrestlers and sedantery persons has been investigated by using 99m Tc _ MDP scintigraph. By this aim, twenty elite level wrestlers were selected from the activity show wrestling clups in Konya city, whit at least five years in practice and they were 17-20 years old; this group wasconsidered as an experimental group. Ten sedantary persons whith same range of age who never exercised any form of sports were considered as a control group . totally 30 subjects were involved in this study.

By using of 99m Tc – MDP scintigraph in both group, for all persons static images were taken in the palm of the hands, head and neck, thoracic cage and in the lumbar, pelvic and both kness and feet regions and in the anterior and posterior regions of bi-lateral shoulders.

According to the result of the guantitative analysis of both wrestlers and sedantery persons, the ratios of the radioactive invasion were calculated in the palm of the hands, anterior and posterior regions of the sholdres, anterior and posterior  regions of the pelvic articulations of knees and feed regions and in the shafts of the humerus, tibia and femur.

Obtaining data of both groups were statistically analyzed and compared whith Mann Whitney U- test. Result showed that radioactive invasion in the shafts of humeral, radial, and femoral bones in wrestlers was significantly higherthan in controls(p<0,05). İn the other regions no significant differences between group has been found(p>0,05).

In case of wrestlers, it was seen that stres over the skaletal system had an excersive effect on the upper limbs namely the shafts of humerus and radius in both sides. However, in the lower limb a same effect was seen in the shafts of bi-lateral femurs and in the knees joint regions. In these regions, it was fount thatin bone scintigraph, increment in the osteoblasttic activity causes secondary increment in the radioactive invasion.

According to the physiological changes in bone formation, with more confidence, the streess effect over the skeletal system can be visually and quantitatively evaluated.



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Author Biographies

Taner Ziylan

Selcuk Üniversity, Meram Faculty of Medicine, Department of Anatomy

Mehmet Özdemir

Selcuk Üniversity School of  Physical Education and Sport

Güngör Taştekin

Selcuk Üniversity, Meram Faculty of Medicine, Dep. of Nuclear Medicine

Adem Civan

Selcuk Üniversity School of  Physical Education and Sport



How to Cite

Ziylan, T., Özdemir, M., Taştekin, G., & Civan, A. (2010). the comparation of skaletion osteoblastik activity spread between wrestling and sedanters between aged 17-20. Journal of Human Sciences, 7(1), 114–123. Retrieved from



Physical Education and Sport Sciences