Rational emotive behavior therapy from a new perspective





REBT, A-B-C personality theory, between the components A-B-C-D-E-F, G (Growth)


The aim of this study is to give a different dimension to the Rational Emotional Behavioral Therapy (REBT) Approach. For this purpose, by using the induction method; Growth has been reached. By adding G to the ABCDEF process at the end of the study; a final dimension. Theory and applications of REBT relies on the A-B-C model. According to this model, A (Activating Event) is a phenomenon or the existence of an event or a person’s behavior. In other words, A is the activating event. According to the A-B-C model, C (emotive or behavioral consequence) is the individual’s emotive or behavioral reaction or consequence that follows it. A (the actual event) does not cause C. what plays the primary role in the formation of C is the persons belief about A, and that is B. A-B and C comes D (disputing). D is the questioning of irrational and dysfunctional beliefs. Although REBT makes use of some other cognitive, emotive, and behavioral components in order to help reduce irrational beliefs of clients to a minimum, it emphasizes this disputing process (D) both during therapy and in daily life. Clients eventually reach E, namely, effective behavior or life philosophy, which has a practical side. E (effects) provides the effects of cognitively re-thinking in a more rational behavior mode. In an interview conducted with Ellis in 2005, Ellis suggested F which forces people to obey new rational beliefs in order to strengthen E, which has an influence on dispute. It can be said that F is basically Functional Feeling and Behavior which ensures the continuity of rational beliefs that come out as a result of E (effect) and which makes it easier to evaluate events within their own reality by following these rational beliefs. When REBT is considered with a new perspective, G (growth) can be added to the process after F (functional feeling and behavior), because it takes some time for the rational beliefs formed with the influence of F to set in for the individual. In a psychological counseling which applies a rational emotive behavior approach, the aim is to break this negative spiral. Irrational beliefs (B) of the individual are refuted by disputing them (D). In the new case which came about with the effect (E) of this dispute, functional emotions and behaviors (F) occur. One of the aims in REBT-based psychological counseling is for the client to realize his or her irrational beliefs, distinguish them from rational ones, and to learn to overcome irrational beliefs. The client learning this process and using rational beliefs in the face of new events can be called growth (G). In this respect, the main aim of REBT-based psychological counseling can be said to be enabling growth.


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Author Biographies

Ekrem Sedat Şahin


Nilüfer Voltan Acar, TED Universty

Prof. Dr., TED Universty,  Faculty of Education,  Department of Educational Sciences - Guidance and Psychological Counseling


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How to Cite

Şahin, E. S., & Voltan Acar, N. (2019). Rational emotive behavior therapy from a new perspective. Journal of Human Sciences, 16(4), 894–906. https://doi.org/10.14687/jhs.v16i4.5821


