Investigation of conflict strategies of physical education teachers working in public and private high schools (Sample of Ankara province)


  • Mustafa Savran
  • Hakan Sunay Ankara University


Conflict management, physical education teachers, sports management, conflict, management strategies


When the conflict is managed with an appropriate strategy, the organization is increasing the efficiency of the work and raising the motivation of the employees. Being able to comprehend the inner workings of conflicts and conflicts between groups and to manage these conflicts well is an inevitable role for the manager and the employee. This research aims to examine conflict strategies of Physical Education teachers working in public and private high schools in central districts of Ankara. In addition, it was determined whether there is a difference between the conflict strategies used by the physical education teachers participating in the research and whether they had gender, occupational seniority, age, duration of work at the school, previous seminars on conflict management strategies, educational status and school type variables and conflict strategies. The universe of the research is a total of 412 physical education teachers, 114 of which are private high schools in Ankara and 298 are teachers working in official high schools. Of these, 275 physical education teachers (special 55, official 220) constitute the sample of the research. The teachers who participated in the questionnaire were selected by appropriate / favorable sampling method. As data collection tools; "Personal Information Form" for determining the conflict strategies of physical education teachers and "Conflict Management Strategies Scale" developed by Ozgan (2006) were used. The Reliability study of the scale was performed with SPSS Reliability, and the reliability coefficient of Cronbach Alpha (α) internal consistency method was found to be .90.  In the analysis of the data, frequency, mean and standard deviations were examined, and t-test was used in binary groups. One-way ANOVA (one-way analysis of variance) was used in more than one group. In the tests p <0.05 significance level was taken into consideration. According to the findings obtained at the end of the analyzes; there was no significant difference in conflict strategies according to variables such as age, education level, occupational seniority, duration of duty at school, previous conflict management strategies, and gender and school type variables of physical education teachers. As a result, it is seen that the physical education teachers working in Ankara use the most integration strategy. Avoidance is the least used strategy. Consequently, it is said that physical education teachers' working at official and state schools in Ankara does not affect the conflict management strategies they used.



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Author Biographies

Mustafa Savran

Master Degree, From Ankara University, Health Science Institute

Hakan Sunay, Ankara University

Assoc. Prof., Ankara University, Faculty of Sport Sciences, Deparment of Sports Management


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How to Cite

Savran, M., & Sunay, H. (2017). Investigation of conflict strategies of physical education teachers working in public and private high schools (Sample of Ankara province). Journal of Human Sciences, 14(4), 4995–5007. Retrieved from



Physical Education and Sport Sciences